Tuesday, February 5, 2008

“Absolutely NO” to Jerry Springer Show

Despite rainy weather conditions, hundreds of outraged Catholics gathered in front of Carnegie Hall in Manhattan to pray and express their rejection over the blasphemous Jerry Springer: The Opera in Comedy. The peaceful protest was a response to the indecent show which attacks the honor and purity of Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I had the distinct honor of being present at the act of reparation. We prayed the Rosary, sung hymns, and hopefully "knocked" some sense into Carnegie Hall.

Read the full story here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A new attack on religion will soon be released in the movie Religious, which "stars" Bill Maher.

Actually, it's scheduled to come out at Easter time. Imagine!

Every Catholic should stand up and say not to this movie.

Lions Gate will distribute, so please call them and protest.