Let us thank Our Blessed Mother for this significant achievement and ask her to prepare our souls to worthily commemorate October 13. Thank you for dedicating your time and talent to honor Our Lady in such a special and public way. She is “our life, our sweetness, and our hope.” She will reward every Rosary Captain.
Banners ran out: Over 14,000 feet of banner material was printed and mailed free of charge. However, time constraints now prevent further shipments.
"When we speak the name of Mary, heaven becomes more beautiful, and earth rejoices. The demons are terrified, and vanish like dust in the wind."
~ Saint Francis of
"We find ourselves on earth as in a tempestuous sea, a desert, and a vale of tears. But Mary is the Star of the Sea, the Solace of our desert, and the Light that guides us to heaven."
~ Saint John Bosco (1815 - 1888)